Clients often have a number of questions about psychological services, this page offers some answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you’re looking for further information, please contact Connected Psychology by phone or email.  

Is my personal information kept private and confidential?

Yes. Any matters discussed with the Psychologist remain private and confidential, within reasonable limits. Information will remain confidential unless you give written consent to release information to a particular person or organisation, or your Psychologist believes that you or someone else might be at risk of harm. Please refer to the privacy policy for more details.

Will my information be shared with a Third Party?

Maybe. If you have been referred to Connected Psychology for assessment or treatment by a third party, for example a General Practitioner or a TV Production company, a report will be provided to that referrer containing information relevant to the purpose of that referral. Independent clients or self-referred clients will not have their information shared with a third party, excepting the usual limits of confidentiality.

Please refer to the privacy policy for more details.

Can I access more than one service offered by Connected Psychology?

No. To protect clients from the potential harms caused by conflicts of interest or dual relationships, clients cannot access multiple services at Connected Psychology. When you make contact for the first time please consider carefully what your needs are and request the most relevant service.

How many appointments will I need?

The number of sessions depends on the individual’s needs and the presenting issue. Some people require only one session to debrief after a specific event; to resolve a recent issue six sessions may be suitable; while others may wish to have ongoing longer-term support. This can be discussed with your Psychologist in the first session, and a plan will be made in collaboration with the client’s preferences and requirements.

How long is each session?

Each consultation, supervision, or coaching session with a Psychologist lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. Longer or shorter sessions are also available, depending on the needs of the individual or group.

What is the cost of a session?

Session costs are based on the rate recommended by the Australian Psychological Society, and adjusted for both the duration of the session and the context. To find out more about our fees please phone or email to request a free 15 minute initial phone chat. Please note that as an individual you may be entitled to a Medicare rebate or private health fund rebate which will reduce your out of pocket expenses.

What is the Medicare rebate?

The Medicare rebate is available to clients who are referred by their general practitioner (GP). The Medicare rebate makes accessing a Psychologist more affordable by offering a considerable rebate to clients for a set number of sessions per calendar year. This can be claimed by taking your receipt to Medicare after the session or submitting a claim online.

How do I access Medicare rebates?

You will need to arrange an appointment with your GP to discuss the Mental Health Care Plan and referral to the Psychologist of your choice. Once you have your care plan simply make an appointment and bring your referral letter with you.

Are there Private Health Insurance Rebates?

Yes. If you have extras cover you may be able to claim a rebate from your health fund provider. Connected Psychology is able to provide psychology services with most Australian Health Insurers. As the rebate varies depending on your level of cover please call your Health Provider for more information. This rebate can be claimed by taking your receipt to your health fund after the session, and some health providers also allow you to claim online. Babywearing services are not typically covered by private health insurance. 

What is a Registered Psychologist?

In Australia, all Psychologists are legally required to register with the National Psychologist Registration Board which governed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) who regulates all medical and health practitioners. This means that the Psychologist must be competent and follow a strict Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.

Not every counsellor or therapist is a registered Psychologist. Registered Psychologists use evidence-based treatments, which have been researched and proven to be effective in treating specific issues and disorders.

Charter for clients of APS Psychologists

Professional Memberships

Registered Psychologist
since 2012
Australian Psychological
Society member

Contact Connected Psychology


Turramurra & Hornsby

Online consultations and telehealth is also available using a secure video conferencing platform

Consultation by appointment only, no walk-ins

To obtain additional information about any of the services or to request an appointment please fill out the form below or contact us on 0481 219 242

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